National Diagnostics Distributor



The development of world healthcare technology is highly dynamic, where the demand for laboratory services is expected to comprehensively meet the needs of patients. In supporting this, Hasilab provides a solution to maximize laboratory services, making it easier for users to manage laboratories. The overall benefits of Hasilab for patient safety include improving productivity, reducing data entry errors, increasing customer satisfaction, streamlining workflow, and supporting accreditation in clinical laboratories



HCLAB is a comprehensive, flexible, and practical Laboratory Information System (LIS) that can be easily configured to meet the specific needs of your laboratory. Designed to streamline routine tasks, HCLAB is suitable for various medical and diagnostic laboratory disciplines, including hematology, coagulation, biochemistry, immunology, urinalysis, microbiology, molecular pathology, and anatomical pathology. HCLAB is highly scalable, making it ideal for laboratories of any size, from small specialized project sites to complex multi-location healthcare organizations and university hospitals. HCLAB ensures comprehensive information management, from initial testing requests to reporting and result delivery.

Key Features

Order Entry

HCLAB’s smart client workstation provides web access for clinical staff on the ward or branch to request an order, as well as enabling order entry in the laboratory.

Sent Out Test Management

Manages and tracks samples sent to external laboratories for testing that is not performed in-house

Result Management and Processing

A library of over 500 interfaces enable automatic download of results from analysers for review and authorisation, eliminating transcription error and ensuring result accuracy.

Rules-based engine

Decision support technology that helps to improve workflow efficiency and increase productivity in the lab.

Quality Control

To ensure the highest level or results accuracy, HCLAB includes a comprehensive quality control module that makes QC management efficient and easy.

Result Delivery Solutions

Report management and delivery is fast accurate and flexible, helping deliver first-rate customer service.

Online Results / Dr Portal

Healthcare providers can securely access all results and diagnostic reports for the patients in one central place, via website or mobile device.

Management Tools

HCLAB provides a range of administrative and statistical report tools to support management activities including a graphical dashboard of key laboratory data.


The WAM module is advanced middleware that supports the processes and workflow specific to Sysmex haematology and urinalysis work areas.


Paperless solution for processing microbiology requests reducing the need for worksheet transcription, improving workflow efficiency and result turnaround times.


Electronic workflow for the anatomical pathology lab improving throughput.

HCLAB Blood Bank

Developed to meet the specific needs of the hospital blood banking environment and donor management programmes.



The MEDINFRAS software (Hospital Management Information System) is a comprehensive, modular, and integrated application solution that encompasses ADMINISTRATIVE, FINANCIAL, and Clinical aspects. It aims to reduce the usage of paper/forms through implementation methodology involving system adoption and adaptation. It also empowers all users to become self-sufficient and ensures documentation through a “Project Charter,” which serves as the foundation for recording and agreement among all parties involved in the implementation.

We present the MEDINFRAS application solution with the following primary approach:

  1. “PAPERLESS” Strategy aimed at significantly reducing the use of paper/forms.
  2. “ENLIGHTEN IMPLEMENTATION” structured with a “PROJECT TIMELINE” and a composition of a “PROJECT TEAM” to shorten the implementation time.
  3. Providing “OPEN API, HL7, FHIR” for ease of interoperability with external healthcare systems such as BPJS, insurance, health departments, and the Ministry of Health.


Medinfit & Medincare

Medinfit & Medincare Enhancing healthcare through the optimization of the hospital’s EMR (Electronic Medical Records) and providing a comprehensive, integrated solution for your electronic medical record needs, ranging from informative patient dashboards to analytical reporting for management.

Electronic medical record solution to enhance your hospital:

BODY DIAGRAM (including photo capture, image upload, free drawing, and annotations)

Informative Patient Dashboard

Electronic nursing care plans with SDKI SLKI and SIKI

Integration of examination requests and laboratory and radiology results


Analysis and reporting for hospital management.

Charts and vital signs.

HL7 FHIR standards based on open APIs.

Related Bussines Unit

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