About Us
PT SABA INDOMEDIKA is a national sales and marketing distributor of diagnostic and medical device products in Indonesia, has grown rapidly since 2005. We have become one of the largest and leading diagnostic distributor in Indonesia, with 32 branches covers all areas in Indonesia. Total customers satisfaction is our success key in gaining trust from our customers. We provide best products with excellent services, we are also treat our customers as value partners. Currently we have more than 3000 hospitals and clinical laboratories as our customers.
About Us
PT SABA INDOMEDIKA is a national sales and marketing distributor of diagnostic and medical device products in Indonesia, has grown rapidly since 2005. We have become one of the largest and leading diagnostic distributor in Indonesia, with 32 branches covers all areas in Indonesia.
Total customers satisfaction is our success key in gaining trust from our customers. We provide best products with excellent services, we are also treat our customers as value partners. Currently we have more than 3000 hospitals and clinical laboratories as our customers.
Total customers satisfaction is our success key in gaining the trust from our customers. We always provide the best products and excellent services. We always treat our customers as value partners.

Providing Total Customer Satisfaction is a must to build good relationship with both customers and principals.
PT Saba Indomedika always provides the best products and excellent services to gain customer satisfaction. We provide the best Support, Supply Chain Management, Sales, and Marketing teams. We hope our customers would be able to serve their patients better and to assist the doctors to deliver the best treatment.
We are glad to serve our customers with integrity, hard work and humbleness as our company values.
Providing Total Customer Satisfaction is a must to build good relationship with both customers and principals.
PT Saba Indomedika always provides the best products and excellent services to gain customer satisfaction. We provide the best Support, Supply Chain Management, Sales, and Marketing teams. We hope our customers would be able to serve their patients better and to assist the doctors to deliver the best treatment.
We are glad to serve our customers with integrity, hard work and humbleness as our company values.
To be the best marketing and distribution company
in the diagnostics industry by providing total customer satisfaction and thus will be the first choice of leading diagnostics company
Build a strong network which covers Indonesia, Establish customer trust by providing Total Customer Satisfaction, Develop a Distribution Company with focus in scientific area
To be the best marketing and distribution company
in the diagnostics industry by providing total customer satisfaction and thus will be the first choice of leading diagnostics company
Build a strong network which covers Indonesia, Establish customer trust by providing Total Customer Satisfaction, Develop a Distribution Company with focus in scientific area
To be the best marketing and distribution company in the diagnostics industry by providing total customer satisfaction and thus will be : THE FIRST CHOICE OF LEADING DIAGNOSTICS COMPANY
Build a strong network which covers Indonesia
Establish customer trust by providing Total Customer Satisfaction
Develop a Distribution Company with focus in scientific area
To be the best marketing and distribution company in the diagnostics industry by providing total customer satisfaction and thus will be : THE FIRST CHOICE OF LEADING DIAGNOSTICS COMPANY
- Build a strong network which covers Indonesia
- Establish customer trust by providing Total Customer Satisfaction
- Develop a Distribution Company with focus in scientific area

Amazing In Togetherness
The success of SABA INDOMEDIKA is the result of the cooperation of all employees, and not the result of individual work. Together we can do extraordinary things.
Amazing In Togetherness
A Company succesful is the result of cooperation all employee and not the result of individual work. Together we can do extraordinary things

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Green Sedayu Bizpark, Blok DM Boulevard No.23 Jl Raya Daan Mogot KM 18, Jakarta Barat, 11840
Email. saba_jkt@sabaindomedika.com
Telp 0811 8875 557
Jl. Teungku Diblang, KP. Mulia, Lamdingin Kec. Kuta Alam, Banda Aceh 23126
Email. saba_aceh@sabaindomedika.com
Telp. 0651 – 6300 081
Telp. 0811 8875 557
Kompleks Tri Tura Mas Blok B. no. 9
Jl Jendral Besar A.H. Nasution, Medan, 20762
Email. saba_mdn@sabaindomedika.com
Telp. 061 – 7866 009
Fax. 061 – 4207 8134
Komplek Villa Pola Mas Blok W No. 11,
RT/RW 004/001, Kel. Alai Parak Kopi,
Kec. Padang Utara, Kota Padang, 25139
Email. saba_pdg@sabaindomedika.com
Telp. 0821 7312 2298 / 0812 9299 1655
Ruko Mega Legenda 2 Blok C3 No.08
Kel. Baloi Permai, Kota Batam, Kepri, 29431
Email. saba_btm@sabaindomedika.com
Telp. 0778 – 4167 936
Fax. 0778 – 4802 610
Jl. Batununggal Indah Raya No.398
Kec. Bandung Kidul Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat ,40266
Email. saba_bdg@sabaindomedika.com
Telp. 022 – 8731 9108
Jl. Soka No.22, Tedeng Raya RT001 RW002, Tuparev, Kel. Kedung Jaya,Kec. Kedawung, Kota Cirebon, 45153
Email. saba_crb@sabaindomedika.com
Telp. 0877 7711 9133
Jl. Serayu no.47 E, Kel. labuh baru Timur, Kec. Payung sekaki, Pekanbaru, 28292
Email. saba_pku@sabaindomedika.com
Telp. 0761 – 8407 221
Fax. 0761 – 8522 885
Jl. RE Martadinata, Ruko Diamond Cipta Niaga Blok B1 Bandarharjo, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Email. saba_smg@sabaindomedika.com
Telp. 024 – 3557 517 / 024 – 3557 379
Fax. 024 – 3558 682
Jl. Madukuro, Ruko Bizzpark No. 10,
Semarang Indah, Tawangsari, Kec. Semarang Barat, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Email: saba_smg@sabaindomedika.com
Ruko Sumber Baru Square II Kav U,
Jl. Ring road Utara, Sinduadi, Mlati,
Sleman, Yogyakarta
Email. saba_ygk@sabaindomedika.com
Telp./ Fax. 0274 – 2880 302
Jl. Fajar Indah I No. I – 21, RT 005 RW 007, Jajar, Laweyan, Surakarta, Solo
Email. saba_slo@sabaindomedika.com
Telp/ Fax. 0274 – 7469 774
Perum. Pondok Indah Blok F38, Jl. Sukadamai, RT/RW 05/06, Kel. Purwokerto Kulon, Kec. Purwokerto Selatan, Banyumas
Email. saba_pwt@sabaindomedika.com
Telp. 0281 – 6571 986
Jl. Cempaka No. 108 RT. 81 Kelurahan Karang Rejo Kec. Balikpapan Tengah, Kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur
Email. saba_bpn@sabaindomedika.com
Telp. 0542 – 7763 817
Komplek Untan, JL. Daya Nasional, Jl. Silat Baru No. K 32B, Pontianak Tenggara, Kota Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat
Email. saba_ptk@sabaindomedika.com
Telp./Fax 0561 – 8187 277
Jl. Buncit Indah II No. 54,Pemurus Baru, Kec. Banjarmasin Selatan, Kota Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan
Email. saba_bjm@sabaindomedika.com
Telp. 0511 – 6744 274
Jl. R.W Monginsidi No.44 RT.20, Kelurahan Dadi Mulya, Kecamatan Samarinda Ulu, Kota Samarinda,
Kalimantan Timur
Telp/Fax. 0541 – 7804 780
Jl. Panglima Tampei II No. D7, Kel. Langkai, Kec. Pahandut, Kota Palangkaraya, Kalimantan Tengah
Telp./Fax. 0536 – 4274 347
Pertokoan Rungkut Megah Raya,Jl. Raya Rungkut Blok N 23 & 25,RT/RW 001/004, Kel. Panjangjiwo, Kec.
Tenggilis Mejoyo, Kota Surabaya
Email. saba_sby@sabaindomedika.com
Telp. 031 – 8701 929
Fax. 031 – 8783 890 / 031 – 8700 280
Perum. Pondok Blimbing Indah Blok D1/07, Blimbing, Kota Malang
Email. saba_mlg@sabaindomedika.com
Telp. / Fax. 0341 – 4384 752
Perum. Gunung Batu Blok EE – 17, Jember
Email saba_jmr@sabaindomedika.com
Telp. 0331 – 4435 940
Jl. Pulau Serangan No. 15 D – E, Denpasar
Email. saba_dps@sabaindomedika.com
Telp. / Fax. 0361 – 2408 44
Jl. Bung Karno Perumahan Green Pagutan Blok G6 – G8, Mataram
Email. saba_mtr@sabaindomedika.com
Telp. 0878 5109 6274
Jln. Kejora Gang 1 No.112, RT 035 RW 09, Kel. Oebufu Kec. Oebabo, Kota Kupang
Email. saba_kupang@sabaindomedika.com
Telp. 0812 3619 3232
Perum. Kombos Permai Blok C No. 7, Kel. Kombos Timur, Kec. Singkil, Kota Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Telp. 0821 1345 8181
Jl. Landak Baru Lorong III No. 8A, Kel. Banta Bantaeng,
Kec Rappocini, Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Email saba_mks@sabaindomedika.com
Telp. 0899 8850 582
Jl. Tasangka Lingkaran No. 31, Jayapura Selatan, Papua
Email saba_jap@sabaindomedika.com
Telp. 0811 4808 886
Jl. Urip Sumoharjo No.3382/32, RT 033 RW013 ,Kel. 2 Ilir Kec. Ilir Timur II, Palembang
Email. saba_plb@sabaindomedika.com
Telp. 0711 – 5625 825, 5625 827
Fax. 0711 – 5625 826
Jl. Yunus Sanis, Gg. Bogor RT 003, Kel. Kebon Handil,
Kec. Jelutung, Jambi
Email saba_jambi@sabaindomedika.com
Telp. 0741 – 3061 688
Jl. Enggang No. 56 blok II, Perum. Cempaka permai, Lingkar Barat, Kec. Gading cempaka, Kota Bengkulu, 38211
Email saba_bkl@sabaindomedika.com
Telp. 0736 – 7343 057
Perum. Puri Kencana blok AB no 3, Kec. Sukarame,
Bandar Lampung
Email saba_lmpg@sabaindomedika.com
Telp. 0721 – 7833 87
Pangkal Pinang
JL.Sumedang no.134, Kel. Kejaksaan, Kec. Taman Sari, Pangkal Pinang
Telp. 0717 – 4262 960
Muara Enim
Jl. Laskar A. Tohir No. 15, RT 01 RW 05, Kel. Pasar III, Muara Enim
Telp. 0821 1111 2326