PT Saba Indomedika

Training Service Excellence

In March 2019, Marketing Department of PT Saba Indomedika held an annual event called Kick Off Marketing. This event involves national Sales Team from all Indonesia offices not only to have knowledge enhancement  about products, but also to get update on marketing plan/program. This event took place in 3 cities that covered 3 regional sales areas: Central Area in Semarang, East Area in Surabaya, and West Area in Jakarta. On the last day of the event, HR Department was allotted time to conduct training Service Excellence. This training topic is aligned with one of PT Saba Indomedika core competencies: Customer Service.

The training consists of general understanding, framework and case review  about Service Excellence. Specific term of Service Excellence from our  Directors was also conveyed to participants. The training was delivered with various approaches such as presentation, games, personal and group activities to ensure that every participant understands the importance of delivering the best quality of service to all customers. The training concludes with the mapping of perceive and expectation of customers  on PT Saba Indomedika service quality and the input/feedback to related departments at PT Saba Indomedika gathered and will be shared with them.

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